7 Ways To Communicate With Confidence

Communicate With Confidence: 7 Tips for Effective Speaking

In the fast-paced world of business, clear and confident communication is not just important, it’s downright imperative. Various research studies also support this notion, such as: 

  • A study conducted by the Center for Talent Innovation found that executive presence, which includes confident communication, accounts for 26% of what it takes to get promoted to higher levels in organizations. 
  • Another research conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), suggests that confident communicators are more likely to be perceived as credible, persuasive, and trustworthy.
  • A survey conducted by Harvard Business Review revealed that 91% of employees believe that communication issues can drag down the performance of an organization.

Thus, confident communication has been directly attributed to better problem-solving and decision-making. Conversely, when leaders fail to communicate goals effectively or share decisions properly with their teams, it can create a ripple effect that hinders a business’s growth.

Why It is Important to Communicate With Confidence

The impact of poor communication is not limited to internal matters either. It extends to client relationships as well. When clients experience a breakdown in communication, it can have significant negative consequences, including the loss of valuable business opportunities. The ability to effectively communicate with clients is vital for building trust, understanding their needs, and nurturing long-lasting partnerships.

That’s why great leaders understand the importance of investing time and effort in cultivating excellent communication skills. They prioritize active listening, clarity in conveying information, and fostering an environment where open and honest communication thrives.

7 Tips For Speaking Confidently

1. Prepare And Rehearse in Advance
Speaking engagements demand readiness. Prior to significant meetings, spare just 15 minutes to familiarize yourself with the agenda and relevant materials. Create concise talking points, anticipate objections, and even prepare a set of ‘frequently asked questions’ to address any lingering silence.

2. Follow the PREP Framework
Most people follow the challenges of speaking impromptu, you can deliver a strong and coherent message by employing the PREP framework.

Let me break it down for you:

P – Make a Point succinctly: Start by stating your main point or opinion in a clear and concise manner. It sets the foundation for your message and grabs the attention of your audience.

R – Back it up with a Reason: Once you’ve put forward your point, provide a reason or rationale behind it with clear logic and context for your argument, making it more compelling and persuasive.

E – Provide Evidence: To further bolster your position, provide supporting evidence or examples to validate your point and add credibility to your statement. It includes facts, statistics, testimonials, or other relevant information that can add credibility to your statement.

P – End by reiterating your Point: Summarize your impromptu speech by restating your main point or opinion. It leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

For example, let’s say you’re asked to express your opinion during a spontaneous discussion:

Point: “I believe we should invest in the company A. “

Reason: “We’ve received positive feedback from customers.”

Evidence: “For instance, they have received positive views recently from many brokerages. “

Point: “That’s why I strongly believe investing in A will yield good returns in the future. “

Using the PREP framework allows you to effectively structure your impromptu remarks and deliver a clear and persuasive message, even in situations where you’re put on the spot. 

Here 5 Strategies To Improve Communication in the Workplace

3. Understand Your Audience
Frame your message for optimum impact to leave a lasting impression. Understand their concerns, objections, and problems they seek to solve. Highlight how your message can save them time or make their job easier. Demonstrate clear benefits and address their needs, you create an emotional connection and increase receptiveness. 

4. Speak With the Intent to Engage
“Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.” Adjust your volume to match the room size, number of attendees, and surrounding noise levels. Project your voice, ensuring it reaches every corner of the space, and let your passion shine through. Whether you choose to use vocal projection techniques or leverage a microphone, the goal is to make it easier for your audience to hear you and to convey your genuine desire for your voice to be heard.

You may like also: Crafting Memorable Speeches: 4 Key Ingredients.

5.  Cut Your Filler Words 
Many people use a lot of filler words such as “um,” “ah,” and “you know”. Using such fillers can inadvertently undermine your credibility and make you appear uncertain about what to say next. George Orwell, the renowned British author, and journalist, once said, “If it is possible to cut a word out, it makes sense to get rid of verbal crutches.

Instead of using these filler words, you can take a pause, allowing yourself a moment of reflection and composure. You can leverage the power of silence to gain composure.  These intentional pauses can elevate your speech, you create a sense of thoughtfulness, and give your words more impact. 

6.  Provoke Questioning
Involving in question-answer is always better than a monologue as it ignites innovative discussions and challenges their own perspectives. It encourages each individual to bring forward their best ideas, fostering a dynamic and creative environment. When presented with the opportunity to contribute to critical thinking conversations, approach them with an open mind and a cooperative spirit. Embrace the chance to share your insights, actively listen to opposing views, and engage in collaborative discussions. It not only enriches the conversation but also inspires others to think creatively. and generate their best ideas.

7. Learn to Calm Down
Most individuals struggle to communicate confidently as they get easily overwhelmed.   Practicing relaxation techniques can work wonders in calming you down.  Even the most anxious individual can find a sense of relaxation. You can incorporate these techniques into your daily routine as they will cultivate a state of calmness, enabling you to communicate more confidently and effectively in various situations. Remember, a relaxed mind and body can greatly enhance your ability to express yourself with clarity and poise.

Closing Thoughts 

Confidence is the key to successful communication, and when it comes to confidence, nothing beats the art of public speaking, especially impromptu speaking.